Electronic key pads mean that there is no need to remember a key but a code instead.

Pros and Cons of Electronic Door Locks

The popularity of electronic locks is undeniable. While users get plenty of positives, this type of lock has a few drawbacks as well. Using smart technology has opened up a world of features that were unavailable to any lock until recently. Check out the pros and cons of smart door locks to find out if this is the best type of lock for you. 

For centuries, manual locks have been protecting people and valuables. While updates made them more sophisticated, the general operating principle remains unchanged. 

Smart locks became common in the late 1980s as key cards granted limited access to car parks, with other applications soon to follow. As technology advanced, locksmiths began installing keyless locks and alarm systems in homes and businesses. Today, they are a popular choice in security. However, many consumers are uncertain about electronic locks and value more information to help them make decisions regarding the best lock for their application. 

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Keyless lock.

Digital Door Locks vs Traditional Locks: Which Is Best For You?

There are many differences between digital door locks and traditional locks, including whether the system can be accessed remotely, if it needs a power source or not, how entry is gained, and the initial cost.

Choosing between a smart lock or a traditional lock will depend on your personal preferences, location, security needs, and budget. 

Here, I’ll break down the differences between digital door locks and traditional locks to help you make an informed decision that fits your needs best. 


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a thief picking up a pair of keys

Step-by-Step: What To Do If Someone Steals Your Keys

While many people have the unfortunate experience of locking themselves out of their car or home, fewer experience having their keys stolen. The impact you experience because of stolen keys may vary. Having a home or work keys on the same key ring is very common and increases the level of angst surrounding the situation. The distress caused by stolen keys typically ranges from the level of inconvenience to that of a nightmare, depending on the steps you take after realising your keys have been taken. Read more

locksmith testing a key inside a door lock cylinder

Best Way to Change Locks and Rekey Your Home!

Security is a basic human need, and being confident your family, possessions, or place of business is safe from intruders is at the top of most people’s list of necessities. The best way to ensure security is to work with a professional locksmith. While you can look up videos regarding DIY locksmith services, this is rarely in your best interest. All it takes is one simple mistake, and your well-being is at risk.

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